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- " Esconderijos Do Tempo" - GRUPO MÁSCHARA THEATER Company - South Brazilian theater company 30 years of history
On Sunday the 9th I had the opportunity, after a few years, to se again this masterpiece and theatrical relic by @grupomaschara directed by @kleberlorenzoni. A show that is a hallmark of the group's excellence with an intense lyrical charge that makes us reflect on our existence almost throughout the entire piece. Inspired by the works and poems of Mário Quintana. A poetic masterpiece. Thank you to "Dire" for allowing us to see the pre-performance rehearsals. And have enormous affection when I can be with you. The play in which the "theater bug" really bit me and made me take group classes in 2018 with the "Charlie's Angels" @elianialessio and @romeuwaier. 🎭 @grupomaschara south brazilian theater company 30 years of history -------------------------------- ( update ) Esconderijos do tempo in Alegrete - Rio Grande do sul - Brazil - june 24 "Esconderijos do tempo" by the Máschara theater company enchants the community of Alegrete with a show inspired by the life and work of the poet Mário Quintana this Monday. The show has been in production for almost 20 years and is one of the main works of director Kléber Lorenzoni and Dulce Jorge. @grupomaschara (June 24)
- Valley of Blue butterflies - Far-off Corners - Big River of the South | Panambi Rio Grande Do Sul | Brasil - Rincão Fundo | Travel Part 1 ( English Below ) Travel to rincao fundo Panambi brazil
Situada no Rio Grande do Sul, a 370 KM da Capital Porto Alegre ( Brasil ) conhecida como cidade das máquinas e vale das borboletas azuis. Panambi foi Colonizada por alemães e Italianos, tem em média 44 mil habitantes e quase 70 anos de fundação. Cidade das máquinas foi um codinome recebido em 1945 devido a cidade ser considerada o terceiro maior polo metal mecânico do Rio Grande de sul. O Nome "Panambi" vem da linguagem dos povos originários dos "Tupy - guarani" , e significa " pequena borboleta" ou " Vale Das Borboletas Azuis " A Cidade Já Foi Chamada de " New Wurtteberg" " Elsenau e Finalmente " Panambi" cortada pelo rio "Caxambu " e pelo rio "fiuza" Conhecida também Pela Cidade do " quesco " ou " Kasekuchen", que é uma torta parecida com o "cheesecake" ou bolo de ricota porém com o gosto levemente ácido devido a adição de "nata" ricota, proveniente do leite. as indústrias, o comércio e a agropecuária são a base da economia da cidade. ( assista - Watch ) Travel to rincao fundo panambi brazil - ( elzinga Resumido ) ( brincadeira ) - - Passar pela Kepler Weber é quase uma graduação em Panambi. A culinária local é bem variada, com destaque para o "x do Cachorrão do Alemão", que é tão grande que parece uma calota de patrola, e o "quesco", um bolo de ricota alemão muito popular. A Oktoberfest é um evento tradicional que reúne a comunidade para celebrar. Panambi também é a terra da modelo Caroline Trentini e da ex-BBB Francine Piaia. A cidade tem duas características marcantes: a fofoca sobre a vida alheia e a enorme quantidade de Chevettes nas ruas. Os moradores brincam que os buracos nas ruas são tão grandes que parecem açudes, perfeitos para uma pescaria. Nos finais de semana, todo mundo vai para Sete de Setembro sentar na porta das lojas rachar um litrão de coca e tomar uma ceva, e beber um chimarrão e misturamos tudo isso! nós somos dividos basicamente entre dois tipos de pessoas : as que vão para as baladas da Cidade e as que vão para os bailão de bandinha do interior, a gurizada mesmo curte a John Garden ( ou qualquer bar que abra a cada mês por aqui ) aonde vamos dar aquela azarada nos contatinhos que conhecemos no Badoo semana passada e quando queremos fazer algo diferente, vamos todos lá pra Cotripal que é basicamente um mercadão considerado um shopping pelos Panambienses. Tem de Tudo tem lógica restaurante e mercado com as "oma" falando da vida alheia. A Kepler Weber e Bruning são consideradas uma graduação " quando tu passar pela kepler tu vem falar comigo piá" . Tirando as Celebridades ja mencionada, não tem ninguém mais famoso (a) que o famoso "michelão" ( Michelle Zanela ) ( brincadeira mona te adoro ) que todos os dias sai para dar uma volta de bicicleta, e conversar com as pessoas do comércio para saber os " Babados" do povo. - Located in Rio Grande do Sul, 370 KM from the capital Porto Alegre, known as the "city of machines" and the "valley of blue butterflies". Panambi was Colonized by Germans and Italians, it has an average of 44 thousand inhabitants and was founded almost 70 years ago. City of Machines was a codename received in 1945 due to the city being considered the third largest metal-mechanical hub in Rio Grande do Sul. The name "Panambi" comes from the language of the original people the "Tupy - Guarani", and means "small butterfly" or "Valley of the Blue Butterflies". The city has been called "New Wurtteberg", "Elsenau" and finally "Panambi" crossed by the "Caxambu" river and the "fiuza" river Also known in the city the famous "quesco" or "Kasekuchen", which is a pie similar to "cheesecake" or ricotta cake but with slightly acidic taste due to the addition of ricotta "cream", coming from milk. industries, commerce and agriculture are the basis of the city's economy. ( joke , but true ) Passing through Kepler Weber is almost a graduation in Panambi. The local cuisine is very varied, with emphasis on the "x do Cachorrão do Alemão" ( a giant X burger) , which is so big that it looks like a patrol car hubcap, and the "quesco", a very popular German ricotta cake. Oktoberfest is a traditional event that brings the community together to celebrate. Panambi is also the home of model Caroline Trentini and ex-BBB ( big brother brasil ) Francine Piaia. The city has two striking characteristics: gossip about other people's lives and the huge number of "Chevies" on the streets. Residents joke that the holes in the streets are so big that they look like dams, perfect for fishing. On the weekends, everyone goes to "7 de Setembro" ( a big avenue that cuts through the town ) to sit outside the stores, we share a bottle of coke and have a "pint" , and drink "chimarrão" ( an enfused drink made with mate herb ) and we mix it all up! We are basically divided between two types of people: those who go to the clubs in the city and those who go to the band "balls" in the interior, the youngsters really enjoy John Garden (or any bar that might open every month around here) where we try to get "lucky" with the contacts we met on Tinder last week and when we want to do something different, we all go to Cotripal, which is basically a market considered a shopping mall by the residents. It has a restaurant and market logic with the "omas” talking about other people's lives. Kepler Weber and Bruning are considered a degree "when you pass through Kepler you come talk to me, man". Apart from the Celebrities already mentioned, there is no more famous figure than the famous "michelão" (Michelle Zanela) (I'm kidding you, I love you) who every day goes out for a bike ride and talks to people in local shops to know the "gossips" of the people. - *Rincão na língua gaúcha significa trecho de campanha, cercado por acidentes naturais como rios, matos etc - ( a " rincão " is campaign stretch, surrounded by natural features such as rivers, forests, etc. ) Rick Artemii.
- Romeu Waier Status Ascension Ceremony at "Grupo Máschara"
Status ascension ceremony for the great @romeuwaier. With text adaptation by Samuel becket and the "godfather" @fabio_novelloator. we are always very proud! @grupomaschara 🎭 ( image Grupo Teatral Máschara ) - status ascension romeu waier Sunday the 16th was another special day for Romeu Waier and the Máschara Group, with text by Samuel Becket and a more than current theme, Romeu together with the great actor Fabio Novello, in a ceremony to raise his status of the Máschara theater group. He moved us, enchanted and broke paradigms by bringing to the " palacinho" stage for a select group of colleagues and friends from the world of performing artists, a text that, according to himself, is extremely difficult to internalize the narrative due to its intense psychological content, bringing visceral human pain and almost Brechtian ( becket-nian) dramatic charge, the actor accepted the challenge and, as always, he did so with flying colors. Sometimes referring to the tragedy we a re passing through in our state, the plastic scene and the allusion to the media storm of information, the entire scene was covered by crumpled newspapers, the chilling soundtrack, the impeccable interpretation of both the emerging and the elderly Fábio made us reflect the how important art, and even more so performing arts ( theater ), is for us as human beings. A great pride, "EVOÉ" always! Rick Artemii.
- Romeu Waier points out challenges about lack of incentives from the department of culture regarding performing arts in Panambi for local artists - performings arts little cultural department incentive
Romeu Waier points out challenges about lack of incentives from the department of culture regarding dramatic and theatrical arts in Panambi for local artists - On April 29, actor, director and cultural producer Romeu Waier participated in the "Tribuna Cidadã", space open for the community, In The Nort part of the state of Rio Grande do Sul bringing to light important reflections on the conditions of the artistic scene in Panambi. On this occasion, he spoke about the recent creation of the Panambi Performing Arts Association (associação de artes cências panambi) (AACEPAN), highlighting efforts to strengthen and promote the theatrical, audiovisual and cinema scene in the region. Romeu Waier expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to discuss the city's cultural policies. He emphasized the urgent need for support and encouragement for various artistic expressions. "When I started this speech, I introduced myself as an actor and producer, but the question that persists is: for how long? For how long can we count on cultural policies that allow us to dedicate our lives to art?" Romeu questioned, highlighting the challenges faced by local artists. Given this reality, the creation of AACEPAN emerges as a promising initiative. He stressed the importance of the unity of the city's cultural producers to establish a statute that represents collective interests. "Panambi has a growing demand for theater, storytelling, circus, and cinema. As an educator and cultural producer, I see this as an opportunity to strengthen our artistic community," declared Romeu. Additionally, Romeu thanked the local institutions and companies that have supported cultural initiatives, such as AABB, ASSAMPA, and IFFAR. "Through AACEPAN, we seek to promote cultural dissemination, value local artists, offer training and capacity building, integrate with the community, develop cultural spaces, and ensure democratic access to culture," Romeu concluded, reinforcing the association's goals. The councilors showed support for the cultural producer's proposals. If you are an artist or cultural producer interested in contributing to the strengthening of the performing arts in Panambi, contact us at 55 55 9163-8333 ( and participate in the next general assembly of AACEPAN. Proposal / Reference REQUEST NO. 0015/2024, Author: Merilin T. Dessbesell - MDB" - City Council performings arts little cultural department incentive
- Maria da Conceição Tavares, the emblematic political economist who changed Brazilian history, dies at 94
Maria da Conceição Tavares was a renowned Brazilian economist, recognized for her significant contributions to the understanding of Brazil's political economy. Her career is marked by her commitment to a critical analysis of economic and social issues, especially during periods of military dictatorship in the country. Tavares challenged the dominant economic policies of the time, standing out for her progressive ideas and his tireless defense of public policies aimed at reducing inequality and national development. Her influence goes beyond academic matters, having been an important figure in formulating public policies and promoting debate on economic and social development in Brazil. Big loss. RECOMMENDED DOCUMENTARY: LIVRE PENSAR GLOBOPLAY. #mariadaconceicaotavares Rick Artemii. Editor Italo Aragão Maria da Conceição Tavares the political economist who changed Brazilian history dies at 94
- SEM CENSURA NATÁLIA LEAL- AGENCIA LUPA - NATÁLIA LEAL - AGENCIA LUPA - CLARIFIES DOUBTS ABOUT F@KE NEWS 05/30/2024" Brazilian agency helps spread true fact about fake news
Rio de Janeiro, May 30, 2024 - Agência Lupa, specialized in fact-checking in Brazil, was one of the guests on the program "Sem Censura" hosted by Cissa Guimarães. The journalist and CEO of Lupa, Natália Leal, highlighted the agency's role in information verification and media education to combat misinformation on social networks. "Lupa works in two ways: through journalism, by fact-checking and verification, and through education, promoting critical thinking and responsibility in content production," explained Natália. The agency identifies viral information on social networks and, using public data and qualified sources, provides the public with the truthfulness or falsity of that information. This meticulous work involves consulting public databases and investigative journalism techniques. Natália emphasized the importance of reverse search as an essential tool in image verification. Using search engines like Google Images, Lupa can identify the origin and possible manipulations of photos and videos circulating online. "We take this piece and dissect it, verifying the data and showing the truth behind the information," she said. The recent maintenance of the presidential veto on the fake news law was discussed on the program, with Natália arguing that legislation alone does not solve the problem of misinformation, which is multifaceted and involves sociological and anthropological aspects. She advocated that the regulation of digital platforms should be the main focus, as they are major vectors of misinformation dissemination. During the conversation, practical examples of false information checks were presented. A viral video of an alleged tsunami in Rio Grande do Sul was debunked as being from an event that occurred in China in 2011. Natália emphasized the importance of looking for details such as signs and structures that can indicate the true location of images. The role of Lupa in critical moments, such as elections, where misinformation can significantly influence the outcome, was also highlighted. Natália warned about the growing use of artificial intelligence in creating fake content, which will become a major challenge in the 2024 elections. To help the public identify fake news, Natália suggested observing the emotional reactions provoked by the information and using search tools to verify the truthfulness of the content. She reinforced the importance of trusting serious journalism outlets and reporting misinformation directly on platforms. Agência Lupa, with its commitment to truth and transparency, continues to be an essential pillar in the fight against misinformation in Brazil, educating and informing the population so that everyone can navigate the vast sea of information with more safety and discernment. - - Natália Leal da agencia lupa's CEO on"Sem Censura" TV BRASIL. 30/05/2025 - LARIFIES DOUBTS ABOUT F@KE NEWS 05/30/2024. - full showw : - - Brazilian agency helps spread true fact about fake news WATCH : ( turn on the subtitles they are extremely word by word checked ) How to make Fact Checking and reverse search : Transcript: Lupa works in two ways through journalism: we do fact checking and verification. In other words, we identify what is happening that is trending on social media and with public data with qualified information, we return this information saying what is false, what is true within the social media environment and through education, what we try to do is increase critical thinking, work, right, the responsibility of producing content on social networks, also with content within the platforms, but working with schools to form New New audiences, right? Working with audiences that are exposed, we all are exposed to disinformation, you know, we monitor the digital environment all the time through tools that we develop ourselves or that we have access to, in partnership with digital platforms or with research initiatives that develop tools and then we can see what's trending, what's being shared most, what people are engaging more commenting more liking anyway, right? Having the debate there in the comments. And then we take this piece and break it down, right? See what is being said. There he goes after the dice, so the piece says two plus two is equal to 5, we go there and show why what is not equal to 5 is equal to four, right? So we do this with public data with reports we consult Sources is a work of in-depth journalism, right with the checking techniques that are typical of journalism applied to a new genre that we inform there with the tags with is a mark, right? What is false, what is true in the same environment we return to the digital platforms, the verified information reverse search is like this, we take an image that is circulating, right? Save it and upload it to a search engine like Google Images, for example. We go there and type in Google, right? And use the image search engine to place this file there. Google will search your own file and show if this is the first time that image has appeared. What was the date it first appeared, is there any type of manipulation in that image, is it generated by artificial intelligence, are there several tools that do this, right? Google is one of them, but there are other search engines that do it too and they have their own tools that we use that have much more depth in the search, right? And these are tools that we use in our work. The lupa agency received this news, right? Very hot from the congress vote, right? Ex-president Jair Bolsonaro's veto of the fake news law was maintained, as you received it. I'm not your job, the truth is André, that's how it is, we always had a perspective that the legislation, right? It's not enough to solve this problem, right? The problem of disinformation is much more complex than a legislative issue or even a journalism issue, right? Many times as journalists we think that if we do it. It's a better practice if we communicate better if we expand to communicate with more audiences, we will solve it, we won't solve it. Because fake news is a problem closely linked to sociology, anthropology and other dimensions of our society, right? So the legislation has to be focused on regulating the activities of social media platforms, right? This is the big problem we have today, people treat social media platforms as the new public square and they are not the new public square, and they are not the new public square, there is no Socrates there, We don't always need to keep in mind that they are of economic domination, right? They are private institutions that have very little transparency in their algorithms or in what they actually do to combat all the problems they helped to cause, right? So regulation has to be a little more focused. It's the legislation, it has to be more focused on that than on our work. Our work will be done the same way, right? We consult public databases, we apply journalism techniques that have been around for many years, in depth, and we are always seeking to communicate in different ways and build new audiences using all the devices we have, right? We can already see it from the marking up there. We already realize that she is not from Rio Grande do Sul, right? This video is from China, if I'm not mistaken, this place doesn't exist here, people. This is a tsunami that happened, it's not accurate. And then I even lived in Porto Alegre for a long time, right? My accent gives me away and in Porto Alegre there is a similar structure to this, right? Close to the bus station. So, it can be confusing, but then when we go to enlarge the image, we don't have a place like that, right? Of course the image that the guy. who is putting it in, the person who is putting it in will look for some truth, right? But this one is very powerful, with all those letters there, we can get it right away, right? cissa is not information. That was a tsunami in 2011. Look how crazy they are and saying it was here in Rio Grande do Sul, right? We can see it like this, for example, that sign on the side is it, it uses another type of alphabet there, right? If we approach the reverse search it is possible to see the structure of the houses and we know that this did not happen, right in Rio Grande do Sul like this. Look, there's another one about animals too. This one is from another state, right? An old image from Goiás, I'm not mistaken, and we also know that there were some cases of this type, right there in Rio Grande do Sul, but this image was already circulating on the internet before the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul. So that's one thing. We can identify it through reverse search and this one here, I think this one is from Anápolis, you know? I don't know, no, that's the one. Oh no. This one is artificial intelligence. Ah, this is artificial intelligence, right? There's the shield, right? The coat of arms should refer to the Brazilian team, right? This image generated by Artificial Intelligence used to propagate this idea that it is the people for the people that civilians save civilians and to create an opposition between the government's actions and what was actually being done by the population is completely false, which is extremely important, but which also It is. It depends on government action, right, for it to work. So this piece circulated a lot in WhatsApp groups, Telegram groups and a lot in politically positioned groups, so now I'm afraid that this image doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. What it is is generated from a request that we make to a machine, right? Look how crazy we are and it's going to become more and more common, right? If this is going to become more common every day and how does this happen with elections, for example, this is the big Stella challenge that we have at the moment, right? We're more familiar with technology and artificial intelligence, right? It is more possible for those interested in manipulating information to create pieces using Artificial Intelligence. So we have a huge alert now for 2024 that audios are manipulated. Audios are the most difficult media to verify because we can verify the content of the audio, but it is very difficult to attest authenticity based on voice patterns, right? We always need to have a sample of the person who is being credited with that audio, right? To then practically carry out a forensic investigation like that, right? Than if it really was that. It corresponds to that person's voice, so the audios like that are the great fear of those who are working with disinformation now within the electoral context. It's the big scare, right? The big Alert that we have and how can we understand some tips that you can help us to say I received an image that we saw there in Japan in the fact that the letters are letters that are not from our alphabet. But anyway, what can we pay more attention to in the case of Artificial Intelligence, especially synchrony patterns, right? So, many times the videos generated by Artificial Intelligence, the movement of the mouth, the movement of the eyes and the audio are out of sync, right? So this is not so easy to understand, but it is possible to notice, right, patterns like the one we saw in the video that should refer to the Brazilian team's coat of arms, but it is not so we identify changes in letters and letters of one. alphabet that is not ours, this also appears in the markings of the videos, right? And so. Ah, be very careful if we are in the digital environment also with comments, right? Looking at the comments a little also helps to get an idea of that context, right? And then we can save a frame, right? Make a print of this video and do a reverse search, step by step of the reverse search because I think it's of public benefit, right? We need this to go up from É enter Google, right? Google is the easiest tool to use for this. And then it will have a little button there for you to upload the Image. And then the image goes up there, right? Look inside your computer file and click Play and it will do the work news, or on all social media platforms we It's also on Tik Tok, it's on Instagram, on X, on Facebook, so important, fundamental now and this information we receive through WhatsApp. Hmm, what do we do with that, for God's sake. How do you know if it's true, if it's a lie, if you block that person, you'll die with that place if I get hysterical if I cry if I scream, let's not fight with people because of misinformation, right? I always say that we have We are living in a moment where the information we should bring makes us enemies of the people we love, right? Because it is very difficult to deal with someone who is constantly sending you information that is not reliable, so the first step when we receive some information is on WhatsApp, if possible, if it is news, if it is a link, look for it in others platforms, right? Search on the internet and try to identify it or even think about pressing the link, right? And not thinking about preference, right? So unless it is an address that you already Are you familiar with something that you already know from a newspaper or a press outlet or a blog that you are used to consuming and know that it is trustworthy if it is a link that you have never seen? That structure, so it's better not to click directly to open a search engine, right? And then trying to find the information that is being disseminated through that link, so if the information says 2 + 2 = 5, throw two plus two equals five into the search engine and see what comes up. It's in the search, right? The most common search systems today are becoming a little outdated due to sponsored indexes. Normally the first results we get when we search on Google are sponsored results. Who produces disinformation. You are very aware of this movement and use it to also spread false information, so this is my most recent tip. It is Discard the first results that have the sponsored sign and pay more attention to the results that are within a News space, which is a space that is very easy to recognize on Google and looks like one. little card with a little text at the bottom, so it's on top of the common results and these are the most reliable results within this search for information, we can't answer everything, but we prioritize what has the most requests, what has the greatest virality also on social networks, From this monitoring that I mentioned before, we no longer respond to numbers that I don't have saved in contact with, I'm already scared because it could be a scam, right? block it, it's time we have another video like that Which I thought was from Anápolis before the Artificial Intelligence that I wanted to have passed. Look, you know this one, Natália, I don't remember if I saw this video, I think the water Look there. Ah yes, the muddy water, right? She's been destroying everything but saying that it was in Rio Grande do Sul, it's in Rio Grande do Sul. This was in Anápolis and it was also circulating before, right? Dates are fundamental for us 2021 up there exactly, right? That date, November 18th, right in 2021, is what we do, right? In that case. Cissa, in addition to us searching, will probably look for that date and try to find the origin, right from whoever shared it first, we can do this with some tools we have. And what is the best way? Was there really a flood in Anápolis on that date? If so, the newspapers will say so, right? Whoever is covering it will say, this is reliable information. It helps to deny this video and destroy this lie that is circulating, right? Now teach us here, how do we report fake news correctly? I'll call magnifying glass. Oh, you can also turn it off, I'll call you every other day, you can call Estela, there's a problem, you can call, you can send it to us, but also the platforms themselves. They have reporting mechanisms. Because as we know, social media platforms are a place where misinformation spreads the most, so when we see information that is false within the platforms, it is important to also report it there in that environment, so normally the publications. They have those three dots at the top, right, block and report. And then some of them have a direct report for misinformation, false content or hate speech content, etc., others don't but there are other reasons and we can explain them on the lupa website. We are always updating a set of guidelines that we have on how to report this type of information in the social media environment. So it's worth taking a look there too. What's the hardest check you've ever done? And if you don't remember what makes fake news so difficult to verify, what are these parameters, the hardest thing André is when we see a lie told with true data, for example, because that's possible, right? ? When we had, for example, during the covid-19 pandemic, we had a change of perspective, you know, from official information, instead of disclosing the data of people who had died from covid-19, it became about disclosing the data, right? The federal government started publishing data on people who had recovered from the disease and there was a company consortium, right? I was going to say to the press, we decided, right? journalism, he got together there to help, you know, provide transparency for what it was the data that gives the dimension of a pandemic like this, right, so the data on people recovered, it is not wrong data and it is not false data. But if we look at this only and it will be much greater than the number of people who will die, we lose the dimension of this, right? Of what's happening, the gravity of what's happening. So any disinformation that has this characteristic, including true data, but leading to a false conclusion is a distortion of the narrative and a manipulation of the debate. It's very difficult to do and so people also have the idea that an opinion different from mine is fake news, it's misinformation and not necessarily, you know. I think her opinion is much more limited to hate speech. that in disinformation, right? Eh, if you say I'm ugly, I can't claim that you're making fake news, understand? It could be your opinion. And is everything ok? total fake news Each one is like that, right? You have your opinion, but Huh, we can't simply because we disagree with information or a view say that it is fake news and treat it that way from now on, right the regulation of social networks here in Brazil. What do you think? How is this debate going? What do you think we can do to advance this discussion in terms of being careful with fake news? We need to have regulations because that's what crime is in the real world. It has to be a crime in the digital environment too, right? These platforms must have transparency. As I said before, they are companies across all sectors. They have some kind of regulation, right? It is not because they are not headquartered here or are global companies that they are not also subject to the rules Brazilian legal then. Eh, they need to improve in this aspect, right? They need to debate a little more and also be more partners with society. These are companies that compete for the market, pay attention to this market, right? Very valuable, there is nothing more valuable in our lives than our time and we are using our time there and this matters to them not only because e-commerce is not just for selling products, right? But also to sell ideas and this is being used very heavily by governments and political movements, so there needs to be a limitation on what can and cannot be done, this is still very very diffuse in terms of rules, right? ? And we need them to comply with the guidelines that they themselves determine, right? Because often all platforms have their community guidelines, but we report them, we ask them to reduce the reach, we ask them to take certain information off the air because they are harmful to the debate, harmful to people's lives and these guidelines are not followed. So, we need to put a little more discussion, a little more effort into this discussion, fact checking is actually checking fact checking is actually checking fact. That's how we started, right? Lupa started out doing fact checking fact checking is a journalistic technique that has become a genre that is checking politicians' speech. So we see a lot of fact checking during elections, right? During the debate periods, we are now entering a municipal election and there will be hearings in all the capitals. We will be checking, we will also be looking, everything will be there on the magnifying glass website. So we follow what the politicians are saying. And then we classify according to public data, which is false? What is exaggerated? What is true? What needs more context? When is he contradicting himself, right? And this is for the audience. For the reader, for those who are following an arsenal of information so that the next time it is exposed, right? That politician's speech, he already knows that it's not correct and we can find the authors, right? But the complaint we make is much more restricted to the platform environment, right? When justice is brought, we don't file lawsuits against perpetrators, right? Our job is journalism. But once, by identifying MP lawyers, etc., they can use our material to prosecute people who are spreading misinformation, so we are often called upon to provide support for legal processes so that people are held responsible for the misinformation that they are putting it on social media and we are also sued a lot by authors of Yes, it's misinformation, because they say that we are either Draining financially is taking away some type of economic power, right? That they have because of the accounts they use on social media or because we are saying that they are lying and that attacks their honor. Eh, we have some processes going on, it's not uncommon, right, journalist those who are dedicated to checking checking are very exposed to this type now Natália. I think fake news is usually fake, they come with something like that, as if it were a newspaper grammar, right? It seems that we think we are coming with wolves from reporting sites, I don't know what you believe. How do you know, how do you look at that, we see something on the website that you are used to seeing every day to check things. Then you get how citizens identify themselves there, real or not, by first going to the website and seeing if that news is there, right? There are some very famous brands. suspected Go to the website. No, you can go to the lupa website, but if it's a brand that you're already used to, you know, a vehicle that you're already used to, you can go to the website and look for it, right? If the link comes, the link is always an indication, right? And I find this quite curious because one of the most common disinformation tactics is to discredit the press, right? However, one of the most common tactics for spreading misinformation is using the company's own speech, so that's how it is, right? It's very contradictory, everything is very contradictory, one thing that I also find powerful about these fake news is that there's always very alarmist content, it's always something like that. Apocalyptic is catastrophic. It's very much the case that if you don't share it, no one will know, right? This is something that no one wants you to know. The press doesn't want you to know things. In this sense, because disinformation is not a rational process, you know, believing in fake news is an emotional process, so all the information we come into contact with is very happy, very sad, very disgusted, very afraid. We need to pay attention, we have to observe ourselves in our relationship with information to try to get that first indication that it may or may not be misinformation because it causes a very emotional effect, you know, panic fear. But that's what you hate, right? Lying and hating is very quick and easy, because it doesn't require reasoning, right? and Thought checking requires time, exactly thought is a lot of work now if, for example, we have 2024, for example, someone can take a personality, Cissa, for example, with a video and make Cissa talk to vote for a candidate, a councilor, a mayor with the i.a. right, it's easy how to check this amount of information for this year, for example, how not to believe or how to believe, that's my real fear this year because like this The arms for verification are not enough, I think the amount of fake news that will emerge I certainly agree. So we have almost 6,000 elections, right? There are 5,500 different elections, each with its own size, each with its candidates. It's impossible even if we brought together all the teams dedicated to verification in Brazil. We wouldn't realize it, right? So we only have one alternative and that is to count on the population, you know, to count on the audience so as not to spread it so that we can observe and try. Ah, carrying out these searches, using these tactics that we use is also to check whether information is true or not, right, and trust. Mainly in journalism outlets, they are serious, right? Because it's very little, I always say that. This is very unlikely for my mother in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. There is information about the federal government that a reference newspaper doesn't have, right? So we study them to do them. That's right? Journalism has ethics. Journalism has a series of procedures. Eh, it's a reliable source of information and needs to be valued so, uh, we rely a lot on man, also common sense, not always relying on common sense is a good way, you know, because it's difficult, sometimes people don't have it, but the Audience is essential for us so that we can find ways to bring it to Brazil, right? For our Brazilian concepts, fake news can be a lie, but it can also be a rumor that is not confirmed, it can be a distorted narrative. It can be information such as false information constructed from true data, so there is no academic concept of what fake news is, which is why we use the term disinformation much more, which is information that somehow does the opposite. , right, what she is destined to do is fake news. is a term Very popular and it is even used to attack the press, right back in 2016 when Trump was elected Donald Trump in the United States, and many people became popular based on his speeches, right, accusing reference vehicles like the New York Times of doing fake News "you're fake News" he said, right? So it's an expression that is also used to diminish the importance of journalistic work, because its translation is fake news, right? We also use this translation fake news false content i false information. But if we start from the journalism assumption that news is based on fact and the fact is always true, then fake news doesn't exist, right? It's an expression that doesn't exist and it's contradictory, so the first point of attention is this language of urgency, right? The language of urgency, you have to share now the request to share share so that the most the most the most. People know, if you don't share, no one will know, the mainstream press doesn't want you to know, the government doesn't want you to know all these, these requests. They are very characteristic, right? It's very absurd things like that. Sometimes we fall into things that are very absurd, they don't even cross our minds, we keep thinking like that. But is this true? And then go over it when in doubt, we have a catchphrase under the magnifying glass that when in doubt, don’t share, right? And before you know for sure, have doubts because this is the case, we also need to take a step back, when we receive this type of information, people often share it because they want to protect their friends, their family, etc., I will share if in doubt, I will share because it will be true no we need to stop this fear exactly this chain of sharing is the best way so you realized that there is something. of these Features that are there in an unreliable link that has no source attribution like that, right? We don't know, there's no reporter's signature, there's no attribution of who is speaking here, many audios are like that, right? Ah, I'm here on this street, but it doesn't say who the person is. It says. I didn't say where she came from, right? dr so-and-so So that's how it is, right? Trying to find out if that person finds that person, right? If it is, if it's really true, if it's real, but before you do it, right, before you do it, don't share, the first thing, breathe. And then you'll look at these characteristics to make sure if it's true or not and look under the magnifying glass, right? We are there to do this service, I loved it Natália. Ah, I didn't know about the whole magnifying glass, I'm going to go into the magnifying glass Rick Artemii.
- Hydra the monster that will devour us all - Veto No. 46/2021" about Fake News ( Brazilian Congress) - 05/28/2024 - fake news are like mithology hydra
Inspiration Journalist Natuza Nery - GloboNews - Magaly Prado (Professor) - C4AI USP fake news are like mithology hydra ( The Subtitles are extremely correct turn them on to get all the points on this matter!) - "Hydra, in Greek legend, a descendant of Typhon and Echidna (according to the Theogony of the ancient Greek poet Hesiod), was a gigantic monster resembling a water snake with nine heads (the number varies), one of which was immortal. The monster's lair was the swamps of Lerna, near Argos, from where it periodically emerged to torment the people and cattle of Lerna. Anyone who attempted to decapitate the Hydra would discover that as soon as one head was cut off, two more would emerge from the fresh wound. The destruction of the Lernaean Hydra became one of the 12 Labors of Hercules. For this and other labors, Hercules relied on the help of his nephew Iolaus. As Hercules cut off each mortal head, Iolaus was tasked with cauterizing the fresh wounds to prevent new heads from emerging. When only the immortal head remained, Hercules cut it off as well and buried it under a heavy rock. Additionally, he dipped his arrows in the monster's poisonous blood (or venom) to inflict fatal wounds. (Britannica)" < > - May 30, 2023 When it comes to misinformation and the spread of fake news, it is evident that we need to discuss the difficulty of filtering and verifying the vast amount of information we receive daily. This difficulty can be explained by the large number of data and news dissemination sources, such as social media, which are not always reliable. Nevertheless, due to globalization and the ease of reaching large audiences generated by the internet, information spreads rapidly. Fake news, in particular, spreads on social media in various ways, such as through algorithms prioritizing sensationalist and controversial content, increasing its popularity. Fake profiles are used to spread misinformation on a large scale. Additionally, people share news without verifying its authenticity, contributing to the dissemination of fake news. The lack of regulation and the speed at which certain information spreads on social media also contribute to the spread of misleading news. In this context, a significant problem has been growing over the years: society has been becoming alienated with information delivered in an easy and practical manner, which often lacks verified truth, in posts or links containing only a certain part of the topic, not its full context, which can lead to a completely different understanding from the initial one. For this reason, people have become comfortable with these facilitators, limiting themselves by not seeking out sources or any article in which they can deepen their knowledge or verify the truth of the information found, facilitating the spread of fake news. Still within this context, we need to address artificial intelligence (AI), which can be considered the greatest creation of our century, as this device "thinks like a person" and produces documents, images, and texts from the information available, like the famous ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence model that answers questions and provides information with coherent and contextual responses. The tool aims to provide conversational support and accurately solve doubts. One major problem that has arisen and must be addressed is the fact that documents created by AI may not be detectable by some anti-plagiarism sites or machines because it generates texts in different ways, attempting to present results as a human would approach that particular subject. Thus, in the future, we may face related problems, for example, regarding the authorship of scientific and academic works due to the unmoderated use of this new tool. Another significant problem is that our minds automatically understand that it is no longer necessary to think as much because there is a tool that "replaces" our intellectuality. Initially, AI was intended to add and facilitate our lives, that is, as an aid for more effective and faster searches. On the other hand, can it be considered unquestionably reliable since it thinks like an individual? Therefore, researchers warn that society is part of an experiment to verify how individuals will act concerning artificial intelligence. In the near future, we are likely to face additional challenges in identifying the truth and verifying information due to technological advances. With the emergence of advanced media manipulation techniques, such as deepfakes (media manipulation using artificial intelligence to create fake photos, videos, or audios), it may become more challenging to distinguish what is real from what is false. A recent example that illustrates this issue is the photo of Pope Francis wearing a designer coat, which was extremely realistic and generated significant controversy on digital platforms. The photo was even published on official news portals and was only debunked and recognized as an AI tool's work hours after its initial widespread dissemination. Thus, it is crucial for everyone to be attentive so that more misinformation does not become present in modern society, where there is a fear of the extinction of natural intellectuality. In this sense, we hope to be able to exercise our logical reasoning and critical thinking because, in this way, we will have the sensitivity to share true, safe, and well-studied information." (1. research: Ana Letícia Pires Bastos, Lívia Maria de Oliveira, Eduardo Dornelas de Castro, Ellen Gabriela Vitor Toledo da Silva, Eloá Vaz Apóstolo de Lima, Emily Borges Honorato, Giovanna Belchior, Lais Ferrarez Bueno, Laís Helena Pacheco Silva, Maria Luísa Guerra, Rayssa Lisbôa França, Sâmella de Souza Araujo, Samuel Rumão Batista, Victória Araújo Viana, Lana Laíse Dias e João Marcos Ferreira Araújo.2. Apuração: Brenda Liliane, Isabela Cardoso, Yasmin Eduardo e Eduardo Dornelas de Castro.3. Redação: Paula Natsumi Vasconcelos Iamassita e João Marcos Ferreira Araújo.) 4. Revisão: Alessandra Giovana Moser, Maria Luiza Azevedo, Letícia Morais de Almeida, Greicy Kelly, Brenda Letícia Nascimento Schumann, Maria Rita Schwinden, Renata de Mello, Júlia Miranda Quagliatto, Danielle Silva Cavalcante, Raíssa de la Torre, Jakeline Barra Nascimento, Rebeca Fernandes Seti, Marina Rodrigues Godinho, Ísis Cruz, Nathalia Uryu, Ester de Aguiar, Geovana Duarte de Sousa e Ludmila Harumi Baesso. < > _________________________________________ Additional Information ( portuguese ) : [ Como a proliferação das ‘fake news’ e seus algoritmos complexos pode danificar a cultura democrática ( C4AI USP ) ] [ Como a proliferação das ‘fake news’ e seus algoritmos complexos pode danificar a cultura democrática ( C4AI USP ) ] ( Magaly Prado ) - - - _________________________________________ #fakenews #informação #falsa #mensagem #veto #sociedade #comportamento #regulaçao #internet #dinheiro #tiktok #capcut #instagram #inteligenciaartificial #natuzanery #magalyprado _______________________________________________________________ Tvideo transcript: And Camarotti said I remembered that image from Greek mythology, right about the Hydra monster which is a monster with the body of a monster and the head of a snake that will eat them all this monster will swallow them all who don't operate in the fake news industry . Around 300 votes vote in favor of fake news because imagine that whoever is voting against a measure that inhibits fake news is voting in favor so 300 votes in favor of fake news is a bang it's a bang so there's a sign of course not It's just the Far Right on this agenda, it's the Right, it's also the Center Right, it's also what we call "Centrão", the auxiliary arm of the Far Right, while a large part of Rio Grande do Sul was still trying to understand how to face the biggest climate tragedy of your story, social networks were invaded by all kinds of lies, there are always thousands of videos and messages circulating on social networks, the first video says that donations to help the victims are being withheld in the city of Lajeado, the story of an alleged visit from President Lula. But that's a lie, folks. This video is old, it had already been circulated in September last year and at the time Lula was in India for the G20 Summit, the chief secretary of the civil house of the From Rio Grande do Sul, Arthur Lemos stated that this information is false and that these donations are being withheld from taxes to charge fees. The main target of these messages is to say that the state is slow. That the state is not enough, that the state is lazy, that the state is doing nothing, the other idea that is centered on the triggering of fake news. And then you have a lot of fake news with the same idea, that the state gets in the way and for those who are there at the forefront of the rescue work, it helps the victims. They are mainly helping our military. The vast majority 20,000 public agents are working here, 10,000 or so are from the Brazilian army. Perhaps what bothers us most today is fake news, right? Because I see people like this all the time, right? They try to have disputes, right, or for likes or political disputes, and this hinders the work of everyone in the public sector volunteer society. Look, it's another one of the Challenges if it's not enough to have to reconnect. Ah, services, rebuild roads, serve people who are homeless, we still have to spend energy to combat fake news, people who try to distort facts, so the path of fake news starts from fragments, it takes away a fragment of reality and from there a malicious interpretation is given to it and it scales something else. It's very easy for you to absorb, so it's very categorical texts that are supposedly convincing then. This makes it easier for the person receiving this information to distribute this information as if it were true, which increases scale. What's the negative point? You had asked the question back there, how does this hit the other end here that authorities have to spend energy authorities from various spheres, have to spend energy to deny fake news. When these actions could be concentrated, it is in the efforts that Rio Grande do Sul still needs. Furthermore, it brings discredit, it helps when the authorities are credited, which is what is bad when we think from a Democracy point of view, there is a There’s a consequence to that, right? There may be consequences: public authorities will continue and will need to continue operating there for a long time from what we see, unfortunately Natuza, from what we see, continues to target targets. They keep changing, it's dynamic, but the issue continues to circulate at a frightening speed. So you take a fragment, you had a fact that existed, you distort it and replicate it and the effect on the end. He is very very negative, how is it possible to identify a I think a lot of people will be interested in this answer and what tips do you highlight Natuza a good way, is to use the professional press to check if that content has already been published in the professional press in major vehicles another thing to normally claim when you play eh eh Fake News on Google checks what comes back to you in the form of news. Eh eh from press vehicles from press vehicles in short from sites that the reader play trustworthy and from the professional press. And besides that, the other thing is that there are several G1 maintains #fatoooufake. This is what she always means about fake news, they are always very assertive and categorical, they are very closed with certainties. These are important precautions for you not to pass them on because this in the end can cause tremendous damage as we are dealing with.It's already happening in Rio Grande do Sul that the authorities are finally spending a tremendous amount of time on this now. There is another element there that reminds me a lot of the pandemic period, I even wanted to see it with . What are the similarities between the pandemic period and this current moment? It's because there's also a focus on the press, right? Why is fake news aimed, at least in large part, at discrediting the press and Public institutions Pablo and what are the consequences of this, naturally I believe this has to do with the character of the political forces that are promoting this discourse, right, they are Populists in Political Science there are hours (sic), but to describe a consensus to define populism as a political discourse is anti elites that oppose theft against elites, sometimes purchases economic elites sometimes against political and cultural elites during the pandemic this type of discourse was a lot, you know, the scientist's distrust distrust of the media distrust , from government agents, this caused a lot of impact during the pandemic, right? I myself, like, I think it's the same general phenomenon that is manifesting in different ways here and there, the most likely hypothesis is that there is a sector that is criticizing the government and causing specific cases by making generalizations and this is getting mixed up with the distrust that people have of the public agents, naturally, the federal government installed a working group to combat the dissemination of fake news about the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul, according to the Federal Attorney General's Office, the dissemination of false content is already negatively impacting the work of helping victims in addition to AGU participates in the group, the Ministry of Justice, the presidency's social communications secretariat and the Federal Police of disinformation and the movement to discredit public institutions, you know, as you said, there is a political motivation there. There is also another element that we always have to analyze when we evaluate fake news, which is monetization. In other words, there may be a lot of people making money or there are a lot of people that this statement I can make making money with these fake news that are surfing the networks, there are basically two main channels, there are other indirect ways, but the main ones are the platforms' monetization tools. , huh? So YouTube, for example, monetizes channels, right? So we have influencers who keep raising controversial topics It's passionate topics that generate engagement that attracts a large audience and they receive action due to the advertising broadcast on this channel the same thing happens with websites that we call ultra partisan (sic ) this thing that also has a lot of theme is also from Google, right? Which places in niches (sic) and pays the sites. Because of these ads. So I think these are the two ways in which these groups that spread misinformation distort untruths. They will also be paid and support themselves over time. The whole world is concerned with plurality with Diversity with access to news that has completeness, a new concept due to fake news, that is, it really is reliable and is based on facts and evidence and today I brought a discussion about communication legislation As I'm saying that news cannot be prioritized over anything else, we always have to show both sides. These are the constitutional values Cláudio that we have become increasingly relevant in today's world. Sometimes we think that communication is something immaterial when in fact it has a very strong relationship with individual autonomy, for example TV stations. They have an obligation to listen to both sides in their programming and the question is always what about social networks, how is this discussion of impartiality, however, that's what we take for example. the Facebook Google discussion, right? Alphabet (sic) all these companies, although they don't necessarily produce content, they don't necessarily take care that there is enough information. Broad enough to be able to give a real sense of the fact that is being narrated, for example. It's Facebook he recently recognized that it's a lot of its news or its priority that is shown on its users' page actually provoke extreme reactions because these reactions are more likely to get clicks, engagements and also in comments and shares Studies also show Cláudio that algorithms are responsible for most of what we consume algorithms are systems that are programmed by companies based on a series of interactions, for example YouTube director Miam Mohammed (sic) he stated that more than 70% of the time that we are on the network, (sic) yes, recommendations that are given from YouTube are and therefore we end up being at rared and guided by this type. Artificial Intelligence System Cláudio following So on this path in this discussion of the algorithm bias is Alexandre González, he participated in a course on digital platforms in Brasília and he presented several studies, including another study that I would like to highlight Cláudio It's about the YouTube in searches regarding the election of Trump and Clinton between August October November 2016, seems a little outdated, but in fact they are very current studies because more than 8,000 videos were analyzed and Cláudio indeed identified a very expressive bias towards recommending videos against the candidate at the time Hillary Clinton and in favor of Donald Trump, this complaint came because we don't really know these companies are not accountable for how this system actually works. It's very difficult to answer this question, but we had a hearing here in the Chamber of Deputies for France Haugen (sic) someone who is a former employee, former director, a person who had a very important role on Facebook and she revealed that the contents What they really provoke are extreme reactions. I'm talking about extreme reactions that are not necessarily violent, but that generate more emotion in people and are more likely to receive them. It's also clicks and Recoupampatilhamentos and that's important because with that, right? It means that digital media actually makes more profit and they have a impetus a motivation to actually generate content, prioritize this extreme content Facebook, he lied in relation to what their own research presented on the role of their services has and the encouragement and production and distribution of harmful disinformative content bidding violence that Facebook lied about the role that their service plays in the impact on the Mental Health of Young People and children and finally the documents show that the company's own researchers and engineers have notion that to you the effectiveness that is presented to the public about the company's algorithmic system with regard to confronting and taking down this type of content and accounts, he is also a liar and now another recurring discussion in the media is about the tendency to privilege content that they are inciters of violence, which research has shown about this specifically, exactly Cláudio as I said the content. Extreme does not necessarily mean Violent content, but this is another element that research also shows. There is a tendency to show quite violent things, I even participated last week in the Brazilian Internet Forum in Curitiba and one of the data that was presented is that children do not have access to Tik Tok and the algorithm itself plays images for them, for example of a person being run over by a truck and then the person's own body is filmed and all of this is accessible to children, of any age, it's very serious, right, an internal report from Meta, which is precisely Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, which is super strong in Brazil, we know the power that these social networks have in Brazil, for example and this report is very interesting and it was called "Carol's trip to QANON" and it illustrates how Facebook's recommendation systems really contribute to this extremist content and many of it violent as well and what the researchers did. It was creating a fictitious profile and that was the company itself and people in just two days Cláudio two days, right? This profile was already receiving recommendations to follow and this group which is QANON which is a political extremist group and such as a series of questionable actions, so and a week this video showed it. Pages, a series of pages, Facebook's own fake feed, a series of pages that violated the terms and conditions of use of the platform itself, a lot of information, a lot of hate speech and despite all these studies and experiments that we see within the platforms themselves, because all of this is monitored by them obviously, right? the company's CEO Mark Zuckerberg in 2020, right? He presented a list of soft and hard interactions, that is, he was presented with that list, right? In other words, what would actually be accessible with more interesting and palatable content, what would actually be interactions that deserved greater attention and he then ended up deciding that he would not curb these so-called harsh interactions because he is the CEO of the company. what he called the day significant social interactions had the acronym MSI of the platform's recommendation system there was an option, to simply remove this type of significant or Extreme interaction and the decision was purely commercial according to researcher Alexandre González, specialist in the topic of increasing engagement and content flow because this really. It leads the company to greater profitability now returning to the theme of the election count Useful visualization and interaction of an electoral label that has the nature of an electoral campaign. In other words, the company itself does not know what method it uses to monitor this content, in other words, the algorithmic biases, they end up happening simply due to a removal or a report and it does not have a more preventive or proactive attitude, which is why Cláudio that the company's solution Regulation always seems to me to be the most appropriate for discussing algorithmic biases. Let's listen to the researcher about regulation today, which would be the first important step in moving forward. Including in order to have a better understanding in the public debate about the real functioning of these platforms in the moderation of content accounts, their relationship with certain producers, their relationship with certain economic groups that also have a wide range of income or work and activity In these digital environments, it is through the construction of Transparency mechanisms requiring companies to present more detailed and granular reports on the decision-making process that these companies make our hope as specialists, researchers, academics and technicians same. Paying attention to the issue of disinformation, digital crimes, hate speech on the internet, incitement to violence and a series of other issues that we are checking very intensely on the internet today is that the regulation debate really be resumed here in this house as soon as possible, with attention, it was precisely the absence of the government in the FIB(sic) debates. And if we don't have Cláudio, the government, the politicians, the chamber of deputies that make the laws and create public policies to actually regulate, put into law as all other countries are doing, we will continue talking to ourselves in terms of academia, in terms of civil society is absolutely useless, therefore it is absolutely essential that we materialize positive, right our regulation in the form of laws because the self-regulation that works today through the laws of the market, I believe that the entire society is already understood? That this is a threat to families, to each individual, to institutions and to Brazil's democracy. We need clean elections this year so they are articulated and made viral where the majority of the target audience is and echoes. So it sounds like a knife, a marketing phrase like that, right? Where the public is but that's where the public really is, at least the vast majority. who they want to reach so in the past they will reach people through television through radio and today through social media. Mainly and also with impostor sites, when we talk about social networks, it's because the majority is on social networks, but in Brazil, for example, it's mainly on Zap. Now Zap is also considered a social network, what it does to connect people with each other, right? It's a network of people so we can also call instant messengers Telegram like all the others also like networks so social networks and messengers. conversational, which is how they are also called snapshots, especially in the underworld of WhatsApp and on exclusive impostor sites to host fake news and conspiracy theories, they are exclusive, they are They imitate mainstream press sites, they place the same conditions, the same colors for I even imitate sometimes even the very similar name, right? So in this study, we have already focused on the electoral spectrum, they are marketer politicians and their followers because their intention is to make selective partisan exposure, attack their opponents, modulate voters' thinking and win the election, I chose the electoral sphere, because it could have Fake news in the health area was chosen with Mainly the issue of anti-vaccines and such, but how to link the study, especially the democratic issue, I think electoral sphere, it is closer than the others, not all of them end up affecting and distorting Democracy. But the electoral issue was that it was possible to give the best examples. A third phase, despite the information retrieval effort, unfolds with the help of the Logic of Artificial Intelligence algorithms, the public is separated into bubbles to receive false information and thus have your modulated behavior you see right here, I speak false information, but I don't like using false message information. The best information is something that informs the word information is very expensive, right? So for us, it's a lot and a lot of people shouldn't use it, okay? So always use the message to receive false messages and thus have your behavior modulated, because if it is modulated, right in thought and ends up being modulated in your behavior, they take the opportunity to deepen the beliefs embedded in each person, which are ingrained. and in such a way that they become blind to the facts and end up sharing false messages, because and want to believe that they are true. Sometimes you just want to believe, right? They even suspect that it is a lie, sometimes they want to believe that it is true. Because they meet their beliefs, then humans, non-humans, cyborgs, Bots, they all help this excess, right, they create forms of narratives that imitate the journalistic style of writing and even copy the architecture of websites to pretend and say Journalism websites and That way you can fool the unwary better, right? Because not everyone knows how to differentiate what is news, what they want is a false message. Sometimes it's on a platform. Which is misleading, but they use the sensationalist format to attract more attention from the audience. Some people will say, but traditional journalism doesn't use sensationalism, but it often does, but it's not a rule, right? It's not a journalist's rule to keep making fake news and he sometimes uses sensationalism to start winning over the public, but not the way the industry is done, like fake messages, right? So it also causes excitement and also to move people, right, the platforms in turn start to direct advertising and turn a blind eye to the disruption caused by false messages echoing hate speeches, for example because they are a vein (sic) for boosting public engagement, so We've always heard in journalism, traditionally, good news doesn't engage. You're reading the bad news now, right? A catastrophe, an accident, an accident, a disaster has much more audience, so we know that hate speech has more audience than love speech, right? We joke about romantic speech. If a man gives a kiss to a dog, it's news, right? Now if the dog bites the man it wasn't a more natural thing. So this hate speech is a source of encouragement and public engagement, so they even help in recommending barbarities. These platforms end up helping by recommending because they want the audience too, right? So they boast that, but they end up boasting that they blocked pages, profiles, they do this from what we hear. Ah, YouTube took down certain pages, but people come back with a different name, fake message profiles come back at the same time they are taken down, it turns out that everything starts with political propaganda advertising, it's a hypothesis, right? When I came to the conclusion, since analogue times have promoted false messages in the campaigns of political candidates, it is necessary to invest in broad democratic media education or media learning. Media literacy has several names. Ah, whatever name it is so that at each step from childhood they begin to know how to differentiate. What is true or false, developing a critical spirit to distrust what is easily offered both in circulation and in blocking access to information because we also have to see that disinforming is also taking away the visibility of true information, isn't it and when I I've been talking about it since I was a child, I've done it all this time, I also went to some schools to talk to teenagers, pre-teens and what they want, which is bullshit. They call it bullshit, we still like bullshit on the internet, they go after the confusion of fights, that hatred that we were talking about, they love bullshit. They don't want normal information. So we have to be careful with this, talk to them and try from a young age so that they start to think critically about it before false messages exist. But they escalated and gained tripled effort to check what has been proliferated as if it were true. They help but they cannot handle the speed of the quantity, that is, the scale. in which fake news reaches people there is no way because not everyone reads messages from checking agencies, not always the same checking agency saying that it is a lie does not always reach the public that has already read that lie, so intelligence is very complicated artificial, for example, it uses robots, called bots, and they amplify, you know, multiply the reproduction of fake news and we cannot compete with them. We are human. We don't have that virality that bots have, right? So far, Brazilian laws against fake news and everything that comes along with it or a capillarity of deepfakes have not yet been fully implemented, right? They were discussed, nor were they discussed widely, whether representatives of society and the best person to talk about the laws is Cristina, but we have seen attempts. And there will be no shortage of these attempts, we have the CPI on fake news, but they are not enough to stop the sordidness of their Impact, right? In any case, it is dangerous to determine what is fake or true and not fall into patrolling, censorship or other of freedom of expression, in fact it is because of this that many fraudsters decide to embed lies because they are Free to express themselves, after all it is not a theorem they say. Ah, I can say whatever I want, even fake news, I can say it because I have freedom of expression, so they distort this freedom, right? So it would be lovely to bring solutions and ideas to mitigate our state of the art. We are unfortunately at a dead end, but we should not consider it just a Hype nor give in to it because Big Techs will continue to exist monopolizing "nines out" reinforcing data capitalism which brings platform capitalism in its wake, I even mention some authors. Extracting our sensitive data or not to generate knowledge and sell it to Bel is the pleasure of propagandists or consumer industries, politicians, governments and others who are interested in our data, right? We will continue to persevere in mediating relationships and it is good to remember that people like to expose themselves. See Instagram, right? People like to think of themselves, right? interact, exchange ideas, right? There. I found a friend from 30 years ago and also in virtual communities, virtual communities are not new today, right? In addition, virtual communities have been formed since the internet existed, right? They're good for lonely people, for example, those who don't have mobility, right? They can't leave the house, they want to escape the real world too, right? Since the time of Second Life, then in the metaverse a lot of people want to leave the real world and also those who are prevented from being mobile. Only those who want to publicize what they do on a daily basis, there are people who just want to publicize what I'm doing with the plate of food I ate, right? So within the ideology of dataism that gives power to the exact sciences in explaining our times or the data economy that calls commodities of the datafied society with critical data or not, increasingly around surveillance capitalism in which we seek to reach our highs and lows. In addition to scanning faces and any expression that appears because that's not all, right? It's not just any face, it also has expressions, right? As expressions articulate our face, what does this mean, right? The data will continue to be requested and sometimes required, right? Who hasn't visited a website that requires us to put a form there with our data that we can access, right? People will not interrupt this flow, they will continue to give this data a hand, especially because they own their data and deliberate about it, right? They even sign the terms of use without reading them, right? You have to read those tiny letters, right? Without knowing their data, they go through an uncontrollable process of scraping, web mediation and imputation for machine learning in other procedures consolidated in these difficult times, everything was not being prescient nor a panacea for the various problems involved nor naively believing in serendipity, a difficult, everyday word , but rather as a kind of primer for beginners in the design of opening up considerations and will only be fulfilled by reaching more people in New Directions and different studies. In-depth studies, right? While this does not happen, the data explosion and the intrusion of misinformation persist, clogging up the democratic cyberculture(sic) with the peremptory response. Yes, algorithms will dominate us. This is very dangerous, because people really like to see, right? Ah, but I see her talking, right? And it's so well done nowadays that it's deceiving even at the beginning of the fake ones, you could see that the mouth was a little blurry, right? The lips were blurred, so we looked at people who are in communications that we work with students. We pay a little more attention, but the vast majority of people look. Those images are not concerned with seeing these technical details. For example, right? So it went by the wayside, but today the programs are easier and quicker for you to make deepfakes. So today, in everything that is an application, it lets you do it. And then people play with it and end up learning and using it to spread a lie, so the deepfake is increasingly technically more perfect. So it deceives more easily and we can call it one of one, I used to call it the extreme of fake news but now with generative artificial intelligence it comes after the predictive one, it has gotten a little worse because as if it were you pick up a text. one Text or audio fake news, right? There are a lot of people who talk about video, video is what catches people the most, but if you tell them on Zap, there's a lot of fake audio news, which is the person's voice, so it's not just the synthetic voice, but also the manipulated voice, right cut, so by Artificial Intelligence it is possible to deepfake audio, video, photos and everything and these texts, for example, that are now very known because chatgpt or "GPT" as they say, it became open to everyone because before it was only closed to companies, now it is open to everyone, people ask for these texts to have the style of a certain author. So evandro is more easily deceived. You have a wide possibility of using the false message, including imitating an author sometimes thinks. Is someone imitating me? Maybe I have a specific language, but there are famous authors, right? Take Machado de Assis and ask me to write to chatgpt, so I say GPT, because it's better known, but we have several, right? There are several, there's bard, which is from Google and is similar to your favorite authors, so it gets much more complicated, you know? So Naomi is very complicated because on Tik Tok there are Mainly children, right? And then children are more likely to believe, right? So another big problem with TikTok is that they teach you how to do it a lot so they teach you how to do it, not just Ah, a different face with a filter. But how do you deal with this? You're already fooling yourself, right? Your own followers also deceive by making so-called fakenews, so it's an application that others don't have this kind of thing, but on TikTok it's more of a step-by-step theme of how you misrepresent things, right? So this is very serious and the serious thing is that you said that young people start to read the news, they have access to the news whatever it plays, sometimes just through Tiktok. So what we were talking about, we have to be where they are to be able to understand that we have Tiktok too, because if we study social networks, we have to be inside them to be able to understand how they work, huh? So we realize that it is addictive, right? He has a worse way than others of addicting his user, right? In terms of you having that thing where you bring something up every hour, I remember there was the News chatroulette. And I found it interesting because you were listening to news from different places in the world and you were just passing passing passing passing passing passing passing and listening to this news, it doesn't matter, I go to another one, this one doesn't interest me. I'm going to another one and what I liked, not only was this international news from around the world, but that there were several languages and I took advantage of it to Learning languages, right? So the same feature, chatroulette, was well before all these networks. It's a shame that chatroulette then became a distorted thing, people began to show the choice and the news in disuse. But this happens a lot in Second Life itself, today you go in there, right? So we have to be careful because it also ends up becoming a den of things that children shouldn't have access to. So it's very important. Including, for example, in the study question. The child's base is on TikTok, so they have the training to write an essay, tomorrow it's chatgpt that they'll use to study, understand? So we have to do nothing to ban them because everything is there, it's difficult to take down these platforms, but we have to talk to these children, we have to enter the schools as educators. We have to be there and see what we can do with these platforms because there's no way for us to simply say don't enter because children will enter, especially because it's prohibited and they'll enter, there's a lot of lines of code, I know There he opened the code for the algorithm, it's one of those codes, they change time, they're lines, you're the one who does the computing, you know better than me, there are millions of lines of code, so it's okay for our developers, programmers, people who understand there's not much we can do, which I think we could see with With more investigation it's the question of who's behind it, right? There is always a question of who is behind it and then when you talk about ethics, platforms that have no ethics come into play, because they are not concerned about it. What they want is visibility, they want to increase their audience so they can sell the data for advertising, right? This advertisement is not just a product that you buy, right? A perfume is also a political campaign, understand? So it's a political ideology, so the platform has no interest, there's no ethical concern in journalism, are there ethical rules in journalism, is that ok? There are one or two who will get out, but it's not every day that this journalist wakes up and says I'm breaking the rules, that's not what he does, then you have people who do it, right? Who work in this industry. They are making money and worse than (sic) a little, right? So you have everything from boys from Macedonia who created websites and got the news distorted to people who click there to people who focus on Artificial Intelligence, uh, characterizing, right? "taging", that's a dog. That's a cat that's not u ma fox. So you have a lot of people working in this industry and people who work often. It's because there's no other option or because it's an easier option, not as ethical. So you're going to work for this industry that Eugênio calls a super industry, including disinformation on whose behalf? Not even there, and just like we have, there are those other reasons that I told you that are beyond ethics because people want to be at peace with their beliefs. They want to be uh, you know um without provoking. They don't want to provoke your belief in what Cristina said, she doesn't want to leave her comfort zone, you know? She doesn't want to stay there, I don't think that can be the truth. So she has an ingrained belief that she wants to believe in that which ends up going viral, so it's a complicated Evandro set of many people involved in this super industry that ends up not having no ethics when it goes off when even when you're just sharing misinformation, if you're sharing it, you It's already outside the ethics of what you're sharing, if you have any doubts, it's not now that people who think they are believe that it's really true. You're going to have innocent people, right? It will swallow everyone. That is the point so it is very bad that in this vote 257 deputies worked to overturn the veto and 41 senators so there are 257. Deputies today against democracy, when I say democracy, I'm talking about the measure that aims to punish those who are public servants and engage in coup projects that aims to punish those who are military personnel and engage in coup attacks, giving them a greater penalty both to military as well as public servants in general, so there are 257 deputies acting against democracy in my assessment and 41 senators. It's serious or not serious enough. _________ Rick Artemii - 30/05/2024
- Carl Sagan Testifying before the US Congress in 1985 About climate change - carl sagan testify on congress 1985 greenhouse effect
Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change carl sagan testify on congress 1985 greenhouse effect Original source Whole Meeting (Original Source): : DECEMBER 10, 1985 “Witnesses testified on how the greenhouse effect will change the global climate system and possible solutions.” Carl Sagan: Carl Edward Sagan (New York, November 9, 1934 – Seattle, December 20, 1996) was an American planetary scientist, astronomer, astrobiologist, astrophysicist, writer, science communicator and activist. Sagan is the author of more than 600 scientific publications and also more than twenty science and science fiction books (wikipedia) ---- #carl #sagan #climate #change #environment #greenhouse #effect #It is made #stove #layer #ozone #O3 #ozone #layer #fossil #fuels #fuels #fosseis #coal #quite #environment #planet #Earth #1985 #speech #speech #congress #congress #washington #A.D #global #warning #Notice #system #system #floods #heat #floods #disasters #disaster #catastofres #negligence #negligence #future #coal #burn #burn #logging #logging BRAZIL - 2024
- Find out how to help the state of Rio Grande Do Sul in this catastrophic moment! how to help people on south brazil disaster
how to help people on south brazil disaster #humanity #help #riograndedosul #alert #rains If you want to help flood victims in Rio Grande do Sul, here are some ways you can contribute: 1. Cash donations: - The State government established a PIX (CNPJ) bank account key to receive donations in amounts from people and companies that wish to transfer resources to help victims of the floods in RS. The account belongs to Banrisul and the amounts will be managed in partnership with entities recognized in social assistance and humanitarian aid work. You can make donations of any amount to the SOS Rio Grande do Sul account (CNPJ: 92.958.800/0001-38). - In addition, it is possible to transfer amounts through PIX to official accounts provided by the city halls of affected cities. 2. Necessity Items: - Food, lactose-free milk, personal hygiene products, bedding, towels, geriatric diapers, children's diapers, underwear, blankets, pillows, among others. - The ideal is to assemble kits with the items above, which would eliminate the sorting and assembly steps, speeding up the transfer of material to vulnerable communities. 3. Volunteering: - If you can, volunteer your time and skills to help in affected municipalities. 4. Don't fall for scams: - Be careful that scammers do not harm solidarity. Donate through official channels and avoid suspicious intermediaries. or spreaders of disinformation. 5. Pray whatever you believe for the victims and their families - Pray for strength, comfort and hope for those facing this tragedy. -------
- 28th edition of the lgbtqiapn+ Parade in São Paulo
( the globe ) Last Sunday, the city of São Paulo hosted the 28th edition of the lgbtqiapn+ Parade, an event that brought together artists and public authorities in a celebration of diversity. With the theme "Returning green and yellow to citizens", participants were encouraged to adorn themselves with the colors of the national flag, symbolizing the claim of national symbols as a heritage of all Brazilians, regardless of their gender identity or orientation. sexual. This year's demonstration was not just a party, but also a political act, emphasizing the importance of lgbtqiapn+ rights and the fight against discrimination. The event was attended by several public figures The parade, which has already become one of the biggest events of its kind in the world, stood out not only for its magnitude, but also for its profound meaning, reinforcing the place of the LGBTQIAN+ community at the heart of Brazilian society and democracy.🏳️🌈 🇧🇷🏳️⚧️ #PrideLGBTQIAPN #PrideMonth #lgbtqia #lgbtqiapn #Pride #paradasp @Mídia NINJA FULL COVERAGE ON INSTAGRAM: @planetafoda