Hydra the monster that will devour us all - Veto No. 46/2021" about Fake News ( Brazilian Congress) - 05/28/2024 - fake news are like mithology hydra Rick ArtemiiJun 14, 202427 min readRated NaN out of 5 stars.Want to read more?Subscribe to rickartemii.com to keep reading this exclusive post. Subscribe Now
Maria da Conceição Tavares, the emblematic political economist who changed Brazilian history, dies at 94
SEM CENSURA NATÁLIA LEAL- AGENCIA LUPA - NATÁLIA LEAL - AGENCIA LUPA - CLARIFIES DOUBTS ABOUT F@KE NEWS 05/30/2024" Brazilian agency helps spread true fact about fake news
Carl Sagan Testifying before the US Congress in 1985 About climate change - carl sagan testify on congress 1985 greenhouse effect